STB-Emulator-Setting Up


StbEmu Set up
StbEmu set up for Normal Playstore free or pro App
If a black screen on bottom left configure application. (If a blue screen use remote control and press menu or long press OK button for fire/shield You will then click on settings the top option on on screen menu)
Now on left Click Profiles
Now on right Click on new profile line ( will say new profile ect inside it) next to the red X
Now Click on Profile name delete all put in your first name then click on screen ok
Now click on Portal settings.
Now Click on Portal URL delete all in there and replace with the portal URL your seller sends you
Then Click on screen ok
now using remote Click back once.
Look for Stb configuration and click on it
Click on STB model find mag 254 and click on it. that will then close.
LOOK down to Mac address and take a note of the code. it starts 00:1A:79:
Now click back to main screen will say your stb is blocked or still configure settings. (usually blue) At this point send your Mac address to your seller then once it’s confirmed your added.
On remote press menu it normally looks like a goal posts with two or three line inside of it usually on the left on Android remote) ( if on fire tv/stick or NVidia shield long press middle ok button on remote) On screen menu will appear on right of TV screen. Go down to profile click on it, now click on what you named it earlier the screen will go black then a yellow load line will appear let it load. When done you will see TV and on right video club.
Thats it all set up
To change media player
in StbEmu. For black screens or video not playing.
(menu on remote or long press ok button) Go to media player in the side menu that opens on right of screen. Open it and change media player to another in one either ljk (usually this ljk is profile default.) VLC EXO or MPV. This will allow the video to play.
To change buffer settings
Along the bottom go to settings.
Then to advanced settings
Change buffer to 4 or 5
Go down to OK click ok
Press back button and go back to TV or VOD all done
To use catch up on StbEmu.
Find channels with catch up enabled (clock /timer in program line)
Highlight it click ok small TV plays.
Click right see full days guide on right and dates on left.
Click left to dates find the date you require click ok.
Guide on right changes to that day click right to guide scroll to find program you require click ok.
Let it load and play.
To reload the Portal
Press menu on remote or long press OK button.
See on screen menu
Go down to profile click on it
Click on the profile name that will appear
Let it load
To set up key mapping (coloured buttons)
Press the menu button (3 line button)
Click settings
Click configure key maps
Click the grey bar that says “add key”
Press your chosen button on your remote
Go down to “select action” and click on it
Scroll down to find the correct button for example “BTN_BLUE
Select it
Then click” save”
Repeat this process for any other buttons you require on the app

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